Work Intelligently

Understanding Activated Intelligence

  17 January 2024

In a tech-savvy nation like Australia, where the adoption of digital solutions is a badge of business acumen, understanding what Activated Intelligence or Activated Artificial Intelligence (A2I) really means, can make all the difference. It's not just about having AI technology in place; it's about activating it—making it work smarter and harder, ensuring it's not just another tool, but a pivotal part of the business strategy. 


What is Activated Intelligence? 

Activated Intelligence is the playbook that can help companies in bridging the gap between AI's potential and its actual impact on business. It is a journey map of how businesses can adopt AI to deliver business value throughout the journey while managing the risk.  


In our view the end state of this journey is when AI executes the entire process while keeping humans in the loop. We believe this end state (leveraging full AI potential and making it additive to human capabilities) is more sustainable and value-creating instead of only AI/no human use cases that leave a lot to be desired on ethics, social implications, and governance. Without a human-centric approach, organisations risk loss of trust, poor adoption and reduced efficiencies and processes fail to capture human insight, lose domain knowledge and overall see far lower beneficial outcomes. 


Given below is a simple illustration on how we think this journey looks like for a typical process. In the initial exercises aimed at improving the process, part of the process is automated while a significant portion remains manual. Over time this can lead to 2 stages which are not mutually exclusive. The enterprise can decide to fully automate the process (End-to-End), and/or increase the automation while brining in the elements of Artificial Intelligence to further improve the process. The next logical step is to embed intelligence as much as possible across the process and keep human in loop to ensure that process adheres to the guidelines. This, we believe, will be the steady state that delivers sustainable value. 


  • Melbourne

    Level 19, 15 William Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

  • Sydney

    Level 21, 60 Margaret Street, Sydney NSW 2000